RRAM-info launches new marketing and advertisement opportunities for memory companies!

As part of the recent reorganization of RRAM-Info's service and operation paradigm, we are proud to offer a whole new marketing approach! We believe in marketing schemes that are tailor-made to be a perfect fit to our clients' needs and budgets. We offer various marketing options and tools, from sponsored posts and email blasts, through banners and newsletter promotions, to bespoke content creation and additional custom solutions.

MicroLED-Info's marketing options image

Whether your company is looking for new customers, exposure to new potential markets, collaborations, investments or brand-enhancement, RRAM-Info is the perfect venue. Our readers represent the entire memory eco-system, including researchers, materials producers, device makers, equipment makers, investors, engineers, C-level management and more.

Read the full story Posted: Jun 24,2019

We discuss RRAM with Weebit Nano's new CEO

Coby Hanoch (Weebit)Israel-based Weebit Nano was established in 2014 with an aim to commercialize Rice University's SiOx RRAM technology. Weebit is progressing towards it stated goal of producing a 40nm RRAM Silicon Oxide working cell by the end of 2017.

Coby Hanoch was recently appointed as the company's new CEO, and was kind enough to answer a few questions we had. Coby was VP Worldwide sales at Verisity where he was part of the founding team and grew the company to over $100M sales per year. He was also VP Worldwide sales at Jasper. Mr Hanoch holds a Bachelor of Science in Systems Design from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.

Q: Coby, you recently joined Weebit as a CEO. What made you excited about Weebit's technology and business?

I believe Weebit’s technology has great potential, especially considering the fact that it is based on standard materials and tools, so once we finish the development we should be able to move more easily into production than other emerging memory technologies I have come across. In addition, and probably more important than the technology, a key driver to the success of a company is the team, and I was very impressed by Weebit’s team and the atmosphere in the company.

Read the full story Posted: Nov 07,2017

Feature our RRAM news in your site!

RRAM-Info is providing objective and up-to-date RRAM market news, as well as in-depth articles and commentary. We are now happy to offer the opportunity to embed our RRAM news directly in your web site, at no cost.

If you're looking to enrich the experience of your web site visitors, our market news can grant them a glimpse into RRAM technology, news and market status.

Read the full story Posted: Jun 09,2016

Welcome to RRAM-Info.com!

We are proud to be writing the first in what we hope will become a long line of RRAM-Info posts. 

This site was established in order to provide a deeper understanding and up-to-date knowledge in the field of Resistive RAM technologies and devices.

Join us in exploring this fascinating new world.

The RRAM-Info team. 

Read the full story Posted: Dec 10,2015